Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Normal Life?

"You never went out of my life; you never would....you were the one who made me feel I am different; I am girl/female/woman..... this is what I think when I think about him. He who tempered with my teenage emotions, my body and now I realize my soul too!!" Not a line from a romantic novel or drama or movie; this was said by a girl who was sexually harassed as a child on a TV series that highlights crimes in general. Apparently the criminal was a close family relative of the girl. Reminds me of Monsoon wedding where in the end Shefali took a step forward to reveal the sick mentality of the "uncle"; reminds me of myself; reminds me of my closest friends who have gone through the same. The blog is not about how to stop it, because; lets face the reality; such sick people are everywhere and cannot be salvaged from society. However, over the years of careful observations and the experiences shared by different people compelled me to
The blog is about what the people who get harassed went through; the mental state now and then. Now, I don't know how true is that but there comes a time point in life when you kind of go down the memory lane and try to think "what if this didn't happen?" And over a coffee and conversation, as a woman in her late thirties, a friend of mine shared a statement about how life would have been much more different if "that uncle" didn't happen; I'd have had more faith in myself; I'd have probably enjoyed the first kiss of my life than getting stressed over it; I'd have not seen all my prospective dates as jerks just wanting one thing from me (they actually didn't); I would have loved my husband more care-freely; I'd have been raising my daughter differently; Ever since that uncle happened; I couldn't even trust my own brother or father or closest cousins! When my son goes near my daughter I am little scared and stressed and I feel so guilty about this that I hate myself!
Real world problems with such situations are "The counselling doesn't help such situations; the professionals sometimes press wrong buttons to make you speak and you go into deeper mental trauma than recovering from it." as mentioned by a friend who took professional help in order to "lead a normal life"
So the question is for all the readers...can such people have a normal life after going through what all they have gone through??


  1. Awesome Meghna. A topic very close to my heart since I am the mother of a 5 year old. I dread to think that my daughter will have to face this big, bad world. I cannot save her from everything all her life. I will have to ask her to be cautious about everyone since it is better to be safe than sorry. It is a hard fact of life and as things stand today both sexes have to be careful. I just hope that the next generation grows up aware of the beauty that still exists around them. All is not lost.

  2. Awesome Meghna. A topic very close to my heart since I am the mother of a 5 year old. I dread to think that my daughter will have to face this big, bad world. I cannot save her from everything all her life. I will have to ask her to be cautious about everyone since it is better to be safe than sorry. It is a hard fact of life and as things stand today both sexes have to be careful. I just hope that the next generation grows up aware of the beauty that still exists around them. All is not lost.

  3. Thanks a lot for feedback Anasua :)
