Sunday, February 12, 2017


I was recently sent an Indian stand up comedian clip over phone and enjoyed every bit of it and felt Indian stand up comedy has progressed exponentially over the period of time in last decade! The last stand up comedy show I remembered watching was Season 2 of Great Indian Laughter challenge; which was kind of fade compared to first season, as usual. Since the clip I was sent recently was on Youtube as well, I explored more of it and came across many other stand up comedians, discussing the relevant topics of the Indian society; however I was surprised at the frequency of the "F" word being used by all these people with a few differences (they used it in regional language; so not exempted); One of the people used this word close to 6-7 times in a three and half minutes clip. People who know me even a little bit, are aware of the fact that I usually don't prefer usage of such words in my presence. Of course, I am not an authority on everyone and I don't expect the world to follow my rule; however, the question that came to my mind is, has Indian youth become so immune to these words? I remember when I came to USA, back in 2007, I was accustomed to say word S***t for everything that went wrong; I mean, S**t! experiment didn't work; or S**t- S**t- S**t! chemical spill! What do I do?  Only until I came across Sarah, an undergrad then, who became a close friend and now;  she's soon to be an accomplished and compassionate practitioner, who told me that these words are bad words and shouldn't be used. We collectively made a rule that bad/swear words aren't allowed in lab, and we implemented it on everyone including our boss/mentor;  I followed the linguistic decorum of lab until I left the lab. May be it was the environment I was in Ohio, or whatever, I can probably count hearing (In real life) the word "F" on fingertips of one hand in six years! And I made a naive  mistake of believing that rest of the world follows same rule made by Sarah in the lab. I came to Northeast and realized the cultural difference in every sense, including liberty of using swear word in every possible way it could have been. We, fortunately have a bad habit jar in the lab, where we drop coins if we use swear words, just to minimize their usage. Someone working in corporate did tell me though, if I came to their office with an empty jar, I can make a month's salary out of it; not feeling guilty at all.
Now, this was just a background of my association with the swear words; the real brainstorming topic is, when and how these words entered the Indian social systems, where a stand up comedian can't finish a sentence without using these words multiple times and catch laughter! I know the homologous words in Indian languages are available, Ch****a being one of them, MC and BC versions of these words have been in use; and since these words are downmarket for our current Indian youth, they use "F"! Extent that I have experienced in real Indian life around me is like that's F""ing  awesome!; That's full of S**t!; F-F-F!! What do we do now?; Sometimes I hear combinations like that's F""ing S**t! I also heard a sadder version as "Aga Bai F" from a  Maharashtrian and was taken aback!!
I did ask several people why do you use these words? A simpler version of answer is we can't do anything, so it is F for Frustration! I did little research and figured educated people use swear words more commonly than uneducated ones! I have to agree to this as I was in an argument with an acquaintance and she mentioned, oh! What's wrong in it? and (she being from IIT), IIT students use it every so now and then!! (As if IITian standards are to be followed for words in trend!)  Or AIB roast; most likely Roadies too, or something where the Bollywood stars use these words left right and back! (I didn't watch any of AIB, but heard from ppl); Also I saw an interesting post on a friend's wall on facebook about AIB saying if Indians are not matured enough to tolerate language, they should re-think progressiveness of their minds, may be India is not yet ready to go places! Really? Using swear words is going to take anyone or the whole nation places? I wonder if MK Gandhi, Mother Teresa or Vivekanand used these words to go places!
These words don't make situation any better, rest assured; but do they give a satisfactory feeling to users? There are mixed indications that they do for the time being, but it doesn't last longer and to reinstate, they keep using the words again and again! It is more like eating cheetos or doritos, once you have them, you want to have more of them!
There was a time in life where saying the word "Yaar- Sala/ Macha (Tamil equivalent)" in front of the family members was pretty offensive and I remember my mom's/aunt's scolding eyes and now, entire generation is using these words without any fear; to be mature, to be progressive? Whyy?
As a child, we were all taught (anywhere across the world) that don't listen speak and see bad! In my opinion, all of us should try to stick to that, not to display our maturity to rest of the world, but to keep an innocent childhood teaching we got!

Disclaimer: Everything stated here is based on real life facts; I don't intend to hurt anyone's feelings!

1 comment:

  1. People swear coz they feel it is yo! At least in India. The more you sweat the more progressive you are. Btw that 'aai ga F'was so hilarious.
